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System Settings

Set up these basic configurations to make your site suite your niche and purpose

Rod avatar
Written by Rod
Updated over 5 months ago

General Settings

This area contains all your job site details

Site Name - will be used in emails sent to your customers, as well as in the browser tab when customers are viewing your site.

Your site email is the email address that will be used when corresponding with customers, so make sure it is professional and represents your brand.

By default, to protect your emails from being treated as spam, all emails are sent from [site-name] email address. However, you can configure your Smartjobboard website the way, so that all outgoing emails will be sent from your domain name. Click here to learn more.

Custom domain name ( Not available during the trial period ) - By default your job site’s subdomain contains whatever you entered in a registration form plus When you sign up, your job site becomes immediately ready to go live with this URL.

However, if you wish to connect your custom domain, first you need to purchase it from a 3rd party Domain Registrar

Within their DNS records:
If your domain name is in the format of, you may choose one of the following options:

Add an A Record with a name of @ and a value of (recommended)


Add a CNAME Record with a name of www and a value of

If you're using a subdomain in the format like, you may choose one of the following options:

Add an A Record with a name of @ and a value of (recommended)


Add a CNAME Record with a name of www and a value of​​

Next, add your custom domain name in your SmartJobBoard admin panel. For more information on how to connect your custom domain name to your SmartJobBoard job site, make sure to check our Domains Name tutorial.

Enable Maintenance Mode – enable Maintenance mode if you do not want a wide audience to access your website while you are still working on it. To allow access to your job site only to specific users, simply add their IP addresses in the Enable Maintenance Mode box.

Timezone - in a drop - down list select your timezone.

Date Format - in this drop-down field choose the date format that will apply throughout your job board.

Google Analytics / Search Console - enter your Google Analytics ID to monitor traffic to your site. If you’re not familiar with Google Analytics check Google’s official user manual for more information Additionally, we our Google Analytics Set Up article:

Job Board Settings

In Job Board Settings tab you can configure the following settings:

Enable Public Resume Access – enable this option if you want resumes to be available to all internet searchers. We recommend keeping this option disabled in order to keep your candidates’ information private and let only employers view it.

Enable Private Job Access -- enable this option if you want to restrict “job search” and “job view” to registered only job seekers.

Only Registered Jobseekers can apply - enable this feature if you don't want job seekers to be able to apply without creating a profile on your website. Simply make this option mandatory for applicants and they will have to log in before they apply for any position.

Require Employer Approval - enable this feature if you want to approve new employers before they can post jobs and/or approve new job postings

After 'Approve employer profiles' is selected, employers will have “Pending Approval” status after they register. You’ll need to activate them manually.

After 'Approve job postings' is selected, the jobs will have “approval pending” status, and you’ll need to activate it manually in your admin panel. This could be an extremely helpful tool for those of you who offer free job postings. After a job is posted it will have “approval pending” status, and you’ll need to activate it manually in your admin panel.

Hide companies with 0 jobs -- enable this feature if you'd like to hide the company profiles who have 0 active jobs from being displayed on the Companies page as well as 'Featured Companies'

Require Job Seeker Approval - enable this option if you wish to review and moderate all job seekers that register on your job board. This is especially useful for membership / association website which need to ensure that each registered candidate is a member of their organization or where quality control of your job board is of utmost importance.

After 'Require Job Seeker Approval' is selected, job seekers will have “Pending Approval” status after they register. You’ll need to activate them manually.

Delete Expired Listings - specify here when all expired jobs should be permanently deleted from your website.

Search by Location - If you want Search By Location to be available on your homepage, then enable search by location option and choose whether you want display radius in miles or kilometers and limit location selection to specific country or choose “Any Country” if you want users to search any country.

Be sure to click Save, when you are finished making changes.

Ecommerce Settings

In Ecommerce setting tab, choose your job site’s currency and specify tax rate that will apply to all prices on your website and lastly, add your Billing address that will be displayed in all invoices and click Save.


On the SEO tab you can customize the homepage title, as well as meta description and meta keywords to optimize the display of your Smartjobboard website in search engines. Search engines are tools such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! that search the internet for specified keywords and return a list of the documents where keywords were found.

A homepage title will be displayed as the browser’s tab when viewing the page. If you wish to customize this you can enter a new homepage title in the Homepage title field. Your homepage title will display in search results conducted by potential customers. A good homepage title will increase traffic to your site.

There are also Meta Description and Meta Keywords fields that you can use to improve traffic to your site.

Meta Description is the text that displays below a search results.

Meta Keywords are scanned by search engines and matched to the end- user’s search terms. To optimize traffic to your site, you can specify search terms for which you wish to have your page returned when end – users search.

301 Redirects (SEO friendly) allows you to set redirects from your old URLs to your new URLs.

Be sure to click Save, when you’re finished making changes.

Privacy Protection

Finally, on the privacy protection tab, these settings allow you to collect additional consent from your users to better comply with GDPR regulations.

Be sure to click Save, when you’re finished making changes.

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