Under Ecommerce > Orders you can view and manage all your orders. Orders page includes a complete list of your orders. Invoice number, customer name, date of order, payment method, status and order total are included in the listing.
Note: Orders can only be created by customers. Website administrators cannot modify orders’ content.
Sorting Orders
By default, the order list will be sorted using the invoice number. If you look closer to the table, you may notice that next to the Invoice # title there is a small arrow. This means, that your current order list is sorted by invoice # in an ascending order (the newest orders display on the top).
Click this arrow and your orders will be sorted in a descending order (the latest orders will display on the top). Also, the red arrow will switch its color to green. That’s very handy, as you will always know what field currently sorts your order list and either your order list is displayed in ascending or descending order.
For example, as your website received a number of orders, you may need to find an order quickly. If you recall the date when the order was received you can click the Date column header to sort your list by the date each order was placed allowing you to quickly scan for the specific order. You can also use this tool to find the most expensive order. To do so, click the Total column header and the system will display orders in descending order. This means that the largest total is on top descending to the smallest total.
Searching Orders
The search tool at the top of the order list can also be used to search for a specific order. Simply click Click to modify search criteria and in the search box will appear straight away, choose whether you want to search by date, customer name/ email, invoice number, Payment Method or status and click Search.
Viewing Order Details
To get started, choose an order, which order details you need to view, and click on its invoice number.
Clicking into an invoice number will display all the details of the order in a new page, including the products ordered, customer’s information, order date, status and subtotal and total.
Also, at the bottom of the order details page there is transaction information associated with this order. Transaction information shows the date the payment for this order was received, transaction id that typically sends the payment gateway, the name of the payment gateway through which the payment was made and the total amount received. With this transaction id you can easily identify the order in your payment gateway’s dashboard and troubleshot the issue if something happens.
For example, in a while PayPal (or any other payment gateway) can inform you that the payment you received was fraudulent or a customer requests a refund. Having the transaction id you can quickly cancel the order in your admin interface and stop offering the service.
Deleting Order
To delete an order, on the left –hand side from the invoice number check the check boxes and select “delete”. After confirmation, system will automatically delete the selected orders.
Marking Orders as Paid/ Unpaid
The status of orders can be managed in Orders page. The status of an order can be changed in bulk in the order list view by selecting the orders you wish to change.
Paid – orders are considered “Paid” when payment has been received. The system will automatically mark orders as paid, if payment was successfully processed by payment gateways.
Unpaid – orders are considered “Unpaid” until payment is received.
You can also change the status of the order on a one-by-one basis. To do so, choose the appropriate order and select the required action.