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Google Analytics Set up

Do you want to get detailed stat on how your site is doing? Then configure Google Analytics

Rod avatar
Written by Rod
Updated over 3 years ago

Google Analytics is a power tool that can help you track various website statistics, such as traffic to the site, the sources of traffic (direct visits, search engines, social networks, and even mobile), web conversions, number of pages visited, time spent on site, and geographic origin of visitors among many other metrics. You can use the data to optimize your spending, concentrate your efforts on specific keywords, or be informed on the most effective online media for your business.

How to setup Google Analytics Account

First of all, let’s start with getting into Google Analytics account.

Step 1: Open to see Google Analytics page and click on Sign in> Analytics

Step 2: Sign in using existing Google account credentials. In case if you do not have an account, click on More Options> Create account.

Step 3: Enter your Google account’s username and password, and click the Sign In Button.

Step 4: The page you see is sign up for Google Analytics section, click on Sign Up

Step 5: What would you like to track: website or app? Let's choose Website.

Step 6: Choose your account name (probably your company name), and set up Property by filling in some basic information about your website.

Step 7: A pop-up window will appear. Read through and accept the Google Terms and Conditions, click on I Accept button.

This is it, congratulations! Your Google Analytics account has been created. Now, just go to Settings > System Settings > Google Analytics click “Connect”, and select the property you’ve created.

Once your site is connected to your Google Analytics account, there is nothing else you need to do since we’ll pass all conversions to Google automatically. Here is the list of parameters our system sends to Google Account automatically:

  • employers and job seeker sign ups

  • job views

  • Job Alerts

  • applications and apply clicks

  • job postings

  • sales

When connected to Google Analytics, Google Search Console is automatically connected and your sitemap submitted and you will just need to verify your account with Google Search Console.

Where to view Google Analytics Conversion Tracking

Step 1: Go into your Google analytics account> Choose your site> All website data

Step 2: Look at the left menu and click on Acquisition> All Traffic> Channels.

You can see a detailed, elaborated table filled with data: traffic to the site, the sources of traffic (direct visits, search engines, etc.), web conversions, number of pages visited, time spent on site, and geographic origin of visitors among many other metrics.

You can filter down data by any of the parameters: Employer Sign up, Job seeker sign up, application, apply clicks, Job posting, Job view, in Channels section to see the corresponding rates.

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