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Do you have a large team, with whom you want to share access to your job board? You can create multiple site admin accounts now

Rod avatar
Written by Rod
Updated over a week ago

As your business grows, you may need to involve more than one person to help you run your job board. With our multiple site-admins tool you can easily add as many site-admins as you need and grant them with diverse permissions to access your job board.

This should help you share more effectively responsibilities among your teammates and better control your business.

To add a new site-admin, all you need is to navigate to your Admin Panel >Settings > Site Admins and click Add New Admin button.

Next, add Full Name, Email of your new sub-admin and choose whether you want him to have a full access to your job board or a limited access.

Full access means that your new site-admin will be able to access and make changes in all sections of your job board.

In “limited access” option you can choose permissions for this particular admin.

You can choose out of: Job board, Appearance, Content, Ecommerce, Settings and Configurations sections.

When finished, click Invite and system will send to your new admin an email asking to create an account in your job board.

Once an account is created, your new admin will easily be able to login to your job board and make changes.

Admin Notifications

Admin notifications will allow you to keep your finger on your job board site’s pulse, and get notified whenever there are:

  •         Job Posted

  •         Employer Sign Up

  •         Resume Created

  •         Job Seeker Sign Up

  •         New Order

Now, you will also be alerted even if an Employer account or Job listing require approval and activation from your side. You can forget about frustrated clients, who’ve been waiting for you to notice them and approve their account, job or an invoice.

In order to start getting notifications from the system, all you have to do is go to Settings > Site Admins, and configure Notification Preferences for any admin you choose:

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