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Edit Language

This interface allows you to easily edit default phrases, as the right words can help your website stand out from your competitors

Rod avatar
Written by Rod
Updated over a week ago

Under Settings > Edit Language you can translate your website into another language or modify website's wording

Editing wording

Do you want to speak your customer's language? The right words can help your website stand out from the competition and close more sales. In edit language interface you can easily remove default phrases and write your own.

To get started, in Settings > Edit Language choose English in the default language box and find phrases you want to edit. When found, add in the “English” column the modified phrase and click Save.

For example, in the screenshot below we showed how to replace “404 Page Not Found” phrase with “404 Page Not Found. Please visit our homepage for more information”.

In a similar fashion you can update any other phrase on your website.

Translating job site into another language

Translating job site into another language is easy. By default, Smartjobboard includes the ready - made translation interfaces into German, Spanish, Russian and French languages. English is set as the default language, and any other language will need to be manually translated using the instructions below.

To get started, in a drop down menu choose the language into which you want to translate your job site

Then system will find all phrases that you need to translate into a chosen language.

In the column next to English phrases add translated phrases and click Save. Don’t forget to translate all available phrases.

Working with Variables

You may also notice that we used quite often variables in the phrases – it is everything that comes after the dollar sign “$”, for example, $resumes_number, $jobs_number, $companies_number etc.,.

Variables are typically used in Smartjobboard to pass data for dynamic prepopulating purposes. Let's take a look at how this is set up in your job site:

For example, this phrase $category_name jobs from $site_name on your frontend may be displayed this way: Accounting jobs from MySuperJobSite.

Example two: $jobs_number jobs found - reads 100 jobs found

Example three: $jobs_number job(s) at $company_name - stands for 100 job(s) at MyCompanyName

If needed, you can move variable anywhere in a phrase to make the phrase sound correctly.

For example, MyCompanyName has 100 jobs, will be - $company_name has $company_name job(s)

When customizing your phrase, you are not required to use these variables. You can delete them if you wish. If you do decide to keep them, be sure to preserve the entire variable including the dollar sign “$”, as well as, the text after. Also, please note that you do not need to translate the variables. Leave them as they are. You can customize the remainder of the phrases as you desire.

Filtering phrases

If you need to quickly find a specific phrase, type your phrase in a Filter Phrases box and click Filter

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