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Configuring Salary Field

Depending on your niche, salary field may provide a valuable information for your job seekers.

Rod avatar
Written by Rod
Updated over a week ago

Depending on your niche, salary field may provide a valuable information for your job seekers. Displaying salary range field on your job board means:

  • Employers receive high-quality candidates, who are serious about the offer

  • Employers do not waste their time answering questions about the salary

  • Candidates know what to expect and don’t waste their time on filling in application

  • Candidates can easily narrow down search results based on salary range and find relevant jobs instantly

  • Salary range field increases chances of your jobs to appear on Google Jobs.
    Per Google’s requirements we send salary data into Google Search Markup that will let Google know about your jobs’ salaries.

  • XML Auto import also includes Salaries now, and you can import them if your source has salaries listed.

You as an admin can find this field by going to Listing Fields > Custom Fields > Job Fields > Salary Range. Choose whether or not you want to display this field by unchecking “Hidden”, choose Currency you want salary to display in. And most importantly set Salary Filtering Ranges of your own choice:

Our new Salary range field can be easily filled in by employers when they post their job listing:

And it will display in a very user-friendly way on the job posting itself:

as well as search results page:

Besides, job seekers can filter down results based on the range they are aiming for:

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